Thursday, February 28, 2008

Control Of Arthritis Pain And Care

Arthritis pain? Do you have pain? Or do you have arthritis? well let me tell you that there is help and cure's for you. I played football for over 11 years and I can say that put a major strain on my body mostly my knees. The doctor said I would have arthritis pain later in life but later came sooner then later.

I put together little tricks and tips for me to use which included:

Light exercise
water aerobics

Get help with your arthritis today become pain free.
These were my main areas I would focus on when I was looking to help cure my arthritis pain. Anyone can do this and it's very easy. I look at it like this, if you do not continue to help your illness (arthritis) then your illness will get worse and worse. There is proactive measures that you can take to make everything better but this is all up to you.

You must make an effort to exercise, walk, eat correctly, stay off of the painful area, rest, and perform natural therapy on your own. If you do not do this then you are not ready to help yourself.

I as hard as it was had to force myself to do things on a daily basis.

I created a routine:
wake up stretch, take a 30 minute walk, read the newspaper, light weight lifting 15-20 minutes, and I would continue to do this each and every single day no matter what... Guess what? over time my pain got better and better and soon non existent! Miracle I don't know but it worked. My arthritis was gone.